
时间:2024-07-16 22:45:25



  实际上英语作文(书面表达)就等于两个字,翻译! 因为英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。只要按题目中给出要点翻译便好。注意:1.不要漏要点-将要点扩充成句子,注意前后问的连贯和一致. 加必要的连词,是全文连贯和文理通顺,有的句子前后再调整合并,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段. 2.时态要与内容符合--要点确定后,重要的是用好动词,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,最好一步到位,将时态也带进去,确定全文基本时态:是现在时还是过去时?直接将该词的形式表出来,省略打草稿的步骤

  3.语句连贯 4.条理清楚 注:通读全文,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误.写作文是一个复杂的.思维过程.一篇作文需反复修改

  写文章离不开句子。但英语的表达方式往往与中文有很大的区别,这就要我们老师在平时多训练学生运用英语思维,否则学生写出来的文章就是chineseenglish(中文式英语)。多用简单句:注意:英语简单句的五种基本类型:一、主语+不及动词-My head aches. 我头疼。-Everybody laughed. 大家都笑了。It rained.天下雨了。 二、主语+连系动词+表语-English is very easy. 英语很容易。He looks tired. 他看上去是累了.注:连系动词常由(be/look/smell/feel/become/turn)充当。表语常用名词/形容词/数词/代词充当

  三、主语+及物动词+直接宾语-She likes the flowers. 她喜欢这些花。Dad bought a car. 父亲买了辆汽车。 四、主语+及物动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)-He told her the news.他把这消息告诉了她He gave me an

  ap-ple.他给了我一只苹果。注:如把物放前,可在物后加to或for:..give/pass sb sth=..give/pass sth to sb ..buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

  五、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语-He told me to stay home.他叫我呆在家里。The smell made him sick. 这气味使他恶心。He made us laugh.他让我们笑了。

  说明:上述各例都简化到了最低限度,在此基础上,我们可以加上一些修饰成分使句子变得更复杂,表达更丰富的内容。英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂,但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的英语句子。 换言之,绝大多数英语句子都是由这简单句添加或简化而得来的。如:In fact, English is very easy to teach. 事实上,英语很容易教。She likes the flowers very much. 她非常喜欢这些花。He told her the news

  8.设想一下你二十年后的生活,请以“My Life in Twenty Years”为题,根据以下的提示写一篇80词左右的短文。

  (1).介绍未来的生活(学习,工作,生活的城市,旅行,爱好等方面) (2).为了未来的生活我应该怎样做(注意一般将来时的使用)。

  In twenty years,I think I’ll be a reporter.I’ll live in Shanghai because there will be more jobs in that city.As a reporter,I will meet lots of interesting people,so I’ll have more friends.I’ll live with my friends so that we can go shopping together on weekends.I’ll probably keep a lovely cat because I like it very much.In the future,I think I’ll take a holiday in Hongkong when possible.One day,I’ll even travel around the world. This is my life in twenty years.In ordwe to make my future life better,I think I have to study hard from now on.

  9.同学们,你会做什么好吃的食物呢?请根据以下要点,以“How to make fruit salad”为题,写一篇短文。写作内容:1.制作水果色拉的材料和分量 2.制作的步骤。

  How to make fruit salad

  Let’s make fruit salad.We need some fruit-two apples,three bananas,one watermelon.Also,we need a cup of yogurt and two spoons of honey.First,wash the apples,bananas and watermelon and peel them. Then,cut them up.Next,put all the fruit into a bowl.Then,add a cup of yogurt,two spoons of honey and mix them up.Finally,it’s time to enjoy the fruit salad!

  10.假如你是李明,你的朋友Anna邀请你星期六和她一起去海边玩。而你没有空,因为你既要照顾你生病的妹妹,又要为下周一的英语考试做准备,请你写一封拒绝她的邀请,并邀请她下周六跟你一起去看乒乓球比赛。 Dear Anna,

  Thanks a lot for asking me to go to the beach with you this Saturday.I’d love to,but I’m afraid I can’t.I have to look after my little sister.She is ill.Also,I am going to have an English test next Monday,so I have to study for it at home this weekend.Maybe let’s do it another time.And there is a ping-pong match next Saturday.Can you come to watch the match with me?I hope you can make it. Yours, Li Ming 11.同学们,你的好朋友Karen 也遇到一些问题。请根据以下提示写一篇短文,陈述她的问题,并给她提一些建议。(1).Karen 的英语成绩不好,觉得英语难 建议:多读英语,认真听课,做笔记;(2).Karen 有点胖 建议:多吃蔬菜水果,多做运动

  My friend Karen has some problems.First,she is not good at English.She thinks English is difficult.She often fails in the exams.I think she should read English more.She should listen to her teacher carefully and take notes in class.She should also ask her teacher for help.If she works hard,she will get good grades.Second,she is heavy.I think she should eat more vegetables and fruit.She should exercise more.If she does,she will be thinner soon.I hope that the advice can help her.

  12.请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。

  I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn. Now let me show you the ways. First,you put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finally ,you can eat the popcorn. 13.假如你是Mark,你们学校学生会正在对大家的生活方式做调查。请你以my lifestyle为题,写一篇短文介绍你自己的生活方式。作文内容:1.谈谈你的饮食习惯 2.谈谈你的运动方式 3.说说你的作息规律 I am Mark.I have lots of good habits.I eat breakfast and drink milk every morning before going to school.I have lots of fruit and vegetables every day.I hardly ever eat junk food because I know it’s bad for my health.I always have my meals on time.We all know the body needs exercise,so I exercise every day,I often play basketball with my classmates after school.I never stay up late.I usually go to bed at 10:00 and sleep for eight hours every day. As you can see,I have a healthy lifestyle.

  14.同学们,你了解你周围的公园,饭店,电影院,购物中心等场所吗?请你写一篇短文对它们进行描述。作文内容:(1).只写其中一样(如电影院),列举出不少于3个 (2).比较哪个是最好的和最差的并说明原因。

  There are some movie theaters in my city.Dali Cinema is the best.It has the most comfortable seats and the newest movies.It is the closest to the Center of the city.It has the best service,so it is the most popular.However,it is the most expensive.Movie world is the best.It has the smallest screen and the worst sound.It is not as clean as Dali Cinema.Screen City is better than Movie World.It has the biggest Screen.It is cheaper than Dali Cinema.I like to go to Screen City best.

  15.你长大后打算什么呢?你如何去实现你的梦想呢?请以My Dream Job为题写一篇短文。作文内容:1.你长大后打算做什么?为什么?2.为了你的目标你打算怎么做?

  My Dream Job

  I am a student and study in No.1 Middle School now. I am going to be a scientist when I grow up. I love science very much,especially nature science.I like to study plants and animals.In fact,my mother is a science teacher.She often teaches me to learn science.I am going to learn science in Beijing University after high school.Now I am working hard to learn math and science well. I hope that I will be an excellent scientist in the future.

  16.你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你写一篇题为How to keep Safe in school 的短文,谈谈你的看法。作文内容:1.描述一件发生在你身上或你看到的发生在校园的意外事件(经过和结果)2.提出解决这种校园意外事件的建议(至少两条) 3.呼吁每个学生要注意(pay attention to)校园安全。

  How to keep Safe in school

  If we are not careful enough,our school life can be dangerous.For example,one day,two students from my class ran after each other in the hallway.Suddenly,one of them fell down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor.Therefore,he had to stay to stay in hospital for two weeks.So I think students should always walk but not run in the hallways. And the teachers should keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from running.At last,I hope all the students should pay attention to their safety in school. 17.新年计划 要求:根据提示内容写一段60词左右的短文,可适当发挥。

  Do you have any plan for your next year? Can you say something about your New Year’s resolutions? How many resolutions do you have? Why are you going to do them? How are you going to do them?

  I have three resolutions for my next year. First, I am going to spend more time studying English, because I want to improve it to get good grades. I will practice to read English every morning and do some English writing every evening. Next, I am going to take more exercise. I want to keep fit by doing it. I will take a walk with my mother after supper. Finally, I am going to make more friends. So I can be happier and learn more strong points from them. I will take part in some activities to meet more people and make friends with some of them.

  18.我的梦想-- When I grow up , I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Pairs sounds like a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of fashion shows there. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I’m going to be a students at art school in Paris. And I’m going to study French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to buy a big house with the money and I’m going to travel all over the world . Finally, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. 19. 介绍你和你的同学之间的不同。

  I’m Li Yang. My best friend is Mei Ting. I’m different from her. She is more outgoing. She likes sports very much. I’m very quiet. I like painting. She is much taller than me. I am heavier than her. She is more athletic than me, but I’m smarter than her. Though we are differernt in some ways, we both like collecting stamps. 20.鸡蛋蘑菇汤是家庭很简单平常又有营养的吃法,请你用给出的原料简单介绍一下蘑菇汤的做法。(80词左右) Ingredients: mushroom, egg, peanut oil, relish, salt

  First, wash the mushrooms and cut them into pieces.Next,break the egg and put in a bowl to mix it with a little salt.Then, pour two tea spoons of peanut oil into the pan and fried the mushroom,Next, pour a bowl of water into the pan and cook until it become boiling. Finally, put some relish and salt into the soup. And now you can have a taste

  21. New Year's Resolution

  I have two best friends. They're Julie and Ken. One day, we talk about our new year's resolutions. I'm going to be a singer. So, I'm going to take singing lessons . Next year, I'm going to learn to play the piano. Julie is going to be a soccer ball player. So,she is going to play soccer every day. Next year, she's going to teach other students to play. Ken is going to be a computer programmer. So, he's going to try his best to learn math. Next year, he's going to ask teachers for help. 22. 根据中文提示写一60字以上的E_mail。(开头已给出)提示:Tom邀请LiPing参加他生日的聚会,但是LiPing的父母出差(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶奶又生病在床,需要人照顾,而且他得为了即将到来的英语考试而学习。因此无法来参加这一生日聚会。他感到很抱歉。

  Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I’d love to,but I can’t. My parents are both out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. I am very sorry,but I can’t go to your party. Thank you for asking me.I hope you will have a good time.

