
时间:2024-07-16 22:39:08



  我最敬爱的老师英语作文 篇1

My English teacher surnamed Yang, we call him Tom. Live is wonderful but he is a very ordinary person, write down his, just want to write down his love of life, and I realize the true meaning of life.

Tom o teachers from grade five began to teach in our class. The first lesson we bought from the outside a flower, as a first meeting gift, he smiles and flowers in full bloom in photograph reflect, moment we took his image of the whole class into heart: we all like a radiant smile. In his English class is very interesting, he likes to carry the expression in everyday life to class, see him from time to time to laugh, and sometimes furrowed brow, sometimes like a child du mouth, seemed to hang a capped, you will feel podium to talk is not only a teacher, but also a close friend; Is you not only in class, but also in listening to his expression in his life; What his lessons without sedulous pursuit on the atmosphere, as long as there is he, he could not hide their brow happiness will naturally to airborne. We have noticed that he make a sentence use most men's names is Tom, a girl is Mary. A long period of time, a listen to he said to Tom, Mary, the out laughter in the classroom, we joked: "Tom, the teacher, you talk to Jenny is Tom, Mary, are you?" He shook his head not language, zhankai smile as bright as spring scenery, spring breeze general kind. "Tom".

Warm sunlight scattered the autumn afternoon, after school, Tom jiao-tung teacher and his two-year-old son out in the sun, small jiao-tung hobbled is happily running around in the sun, and then our long blazing with Tom o teacher was in the back. Around us in the past, the formidable, with his young children's call: "my sisters - good!" In we opened the pot like laughter, Tom o teacher spilled a sunshine of happiness smile on his face, his so impressed everyone present family happiness. Touched in my heart take root, sprout, slowly open, good warm family!

Tom o teacher is just an ordinary person, he is not handsome, nor a talented, less bold spirit, he is just doing his original self. He never demanding lives, refraining from the surface, also he is steadfast and plain life. Through him, I don't understand life can be radiant, but at least to enrich, happy, this is my English teacher, Tom.



阿Tom老师是从五年级才开始教我们班的。第一节课我们从外面买来了一枝花,当作初次见面的礼物,他灿烂的笑容和怒放的鲜花交相辉映,呢一刹那我们全班同学就把他的形象融入了心中:我们都喜欢笑容灿烂的人。上他的英语课实在有趣得很,他喜欢把日常生活中的表情搬到课堂上来,看他时而开怀大笑,时而紧锁眉头,时而像孩子似的嘟起嘴,似乎能挂个酱油瓶,你会觉得讲台上侃侃而谈的不光是一位老师,更是一位亲密的朋友;你不光是在听课,更是在听他娓娓诉说他的生活;上他的课无需刻意追求什么氛围,只要有他在,他眉宇间无法掩饰的快乐便会自然而然的飘散开去。我们注意到,他造句的人名用的最多的男的是Tom,女的是Mary。时间一久,一听他说Tom ,Mary,教室里就会传出一阵哄笑声,我们开玩笑说:“Tom 老师 ……此处隐藏12774个字……ur school。






  我最敬爱的老师英语作文 篇30

Mr. Wang is my kindergarten teacher. Every day, she teaches her little friends to dress and eat by themselves. When little friends are noisy, they will listen to music. When the children are doing well all day, Miss Wang will send her 3 posters. During the nap, some children will take off their pigtails. When they wake up, Mr. Wang will tie beautiful pigtails for them. But when a child makes a mistake, she will be punished. Mr. Wang is sometimes good and sometimes fierce, but I like this kind of Mr. Wang.


  我最敬爱的老师英语作文 篇31

The new semester began. "The new semester, new atmosphere," the other words are right, first, a "wind" of the new semester is involved in our class. From five grade up to the sixth grade, school is more busy; I also have the sense of enthusiasm; The more the intensity of learning. The most important thing is that we change the head teacher, miss gao.

Although a sad autumn wind off the hao teacher, but god closed a window, will open another window, a rain brought again amiable honorable miss gao. Is really "the rainbow after the rain!"

From this a few days to get along with, I like miss gao. High on the language lesson, the teacher is so dramatic: her beautiful voice, let we unconsciously entered the imagination of the text, realized the author express emotions, infatuated; Her vigorous, enabled us to quickly into the lenovo, understood every word. For the high teacher the thumbs-up sign: I am a teacher, hello! September 10 is teachers' day, I kept thinking: the gifts to the teacher? Want to for a long time, I realized: the teacher don't need flowers, not gifts. But - but a sincere heart, a positive enterprising heart hard.

Teacher, please believe that I can make it! I will be more efforts, more seriously learn knowledge well. Fight for themselves, and strive for the future. I will make you happy, make you happy, happy!

A new semester, a new learning task, a new teacher. My teacher, I can live up to your hope, I will study hard! With the best result repay you!




9月十日就到了教师节,我一直在想:送什么礼物给老师呢?想了很长时间,我才明白:老师需要的不是鲜花,不是礼物。而是——而是一颗诚挚的心,一颗积极向上,努力进取的心。 老师,请您相信,我会做到的!我一定会更加努力,更加认真的学好知识。为自己而奋斗,为未来而拼搏。我一定会让您开心,让您高兴、欢乐! 新的学期,新的学习任务,新的老师。我的老师,我不会辜负您的希望,我一定会努力学习!用最好的成绩报答您!

